Monday, October 30, 2017

BacterioFiles 315 - Probiotics Prevent Protein Plaques

Credit: National Institute on Aging
This episode: In mice genetically modified to have Alzheimer's-like disease, giving probiotics reduced their degeneration!

Download Episode (11.8 MB, 13 minutes)

Show notes:
Microbe of the episode: SARS coronavirus

Journal Paper:
Bonfili L, Cecarini V, Berardi S, Scarpona S, Suchodolski JS, Nasulti C, Fiorini D, Boarelli MC, Rossi G, Eleuteri AM. 2017. Microbiota modulation counteracts Alzheimer's disease progression influencing neuronal proteolysis and gut hormone plasma levels. Sci Rep 7:2426.

Other interesting stories:

  • Fruit fly bacteria attack wasps' ribosomes that attack them
  • Bacteria living on the eye protect it from infection
  • New technique to prevent CRISPR/Cas from functioning
  • Tardigrades should be able to survive almost any kind of planetary catastrophe
  • Using fungi to recover/clean up metals from liquid (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Episode outline:

    Monday, October 16, 2017

    BacterioFiles 314 - Drosophila Dwellers Delay Deficiency

    Drosophila fruit fly
    By André Karwath aka Aka
    CC BY-SA 2.5
    This episode: Bacteria affect fruit fly behavior by reducing their need and craving for protein-rich food!

    Thanks to Dr. Carlos Ribeiro for his contribution!

    Download Episode (14.7 MB, 16.1 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Ribeiro lab website - two fully-funded postdoc opportunities available

    Journal Paper:
    Leitão-Gonçalves R, Carvalho-Santos Z, Francisco AP, Fioreze GT, Anjos M, Baltazar C, Elias AP, Itskov PM, Piper MDW, Ribeiro C. 2017. Commensal bacteria and essential amino acids control food choice behavior and reproduction. PLOS Biol 15:e2000862.

    Other interesting stories:

  • Bacteria could help remove lead from mining waste (paper)
  • Modified bacteria could make natural food coloring economically
  • Diet correlates with gut microbe community structure better than body weight does (paper)
  • Fungal symbionts in Arctic thawing out may help trees deal with heat
  • How good are commercial microbiota tests?

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Episode outline:

    Monday, October 9, 2017

    BacterioFiles 313 - Colonies Correct Chloride Corrosion

    Ancient Roman nails
    By Takkk - Own work,CC BY-SA 3.0
    This episode: Bacteria could help treat corrosion to preserve ancient iron artifacts!

    Thanks to Drs. Pilar Junier and Edith Joseph for their contributions!

    Download Episode (13.4 MB, 14.7 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Journal Paper:
    Comensoli L, Maillard J, Albini M, Sandoz F, Junier P, Joseph E. 2017. Use of Bacteria To Stabilize Archaeological Iron. Appl Environ Microbiol 83:e03478-16.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Archaeal communities on skin change with age
  • Using viruses to deliver useful stuff to the nervous system
  • Polymer-coating bacteria to improve their electricity-generating ability
  • 61% of yeast essential genes can be replaced by E. coli versions (paper)
  • Breast milk and skin are important sources of microbes for infants (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Episode outline:

    Monday, October 2, 2017

    BacterioFiles 312 - Antibiotic Acts As Agreement

    Quorum sensing scheme
    By Gluckma2, CC BY-SA 4.0
    This episode: Bacteria that produce antibiotic molecule can also use it for communication between cells!

    Download Episode (10 MB, 11 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Microbe of the episode: Rosellinia necatrix victorivirus 1

    Journal Paper:
    Beyersmann PG, Tomasch J, Son K, Stocker R, Göker M, Wagner-Döbler I, Simon M, Brinkhoff T. 2017. Dual function of tropodithietic acid as antibiotic and signaling molecule in global gene regulation of the probiotic bacterium Phaeobacter inhibens. Sci Rep 7:730.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Bacteria may be key to certain grasses' success (paper)
  • Small-genome bacteria have old school space-saving multi-function enzymes (paper)
  • Using electricity to help microbes clean up pollution (paper) (see here also)
  • Photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms cooperate in ocean
  • Phage therapy with CRISPR-modified viruses

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Episode outline:

    Monday, September 25, 2017

    BacterioFiles 311 - Synchronized Slimes Spread Slowly

    Bacillus subtilis colonies
    By Debivort, CC BY-SA 3.0
    This episode: Separate groups of bacteria can each thrive better when they take turns growing instead of competing!

    Thanks to Jintao Liu and Rosa Martinez-Corral for their contributions to this episode!

    Download Episode (14.2 MB, 15.5 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Microbe of the episode: Palyam virus

    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Liu J, Martinez-Corral R, Prindle A, Lee DD, Larkin J, Gabalda-Sagarra M, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Süel GM. 2017. Coupling between distant biofilms and emergence of nutrient time-sharing. Science 356:638–642.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Microbe prefers making its own siderophores rather than relying on others' (paper)
  • Deep-sea animals live off microbes that eat oil
  • Correlating gut microbiome differences with anorexia (paper)
  • Having microbes affects mice's perception of internal pain
  • Bacteria that digest gluten could be helpful as probiotics (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Episode outline:

    Monday, September 18, 2017

    BacterioFiles 310 - Prodigious Particles Produce Proteins

    By Chantal Abergel, CC BY-SA 3.0
    This episode: Newly discovered giant viruses almost build their own replication machinery instead of using their host's!

    Download Episode (11.2 MB, 12.3 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Microbe of the episode: Terasakiella pusilla

    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Schulz F, Yutin N, Ivanova NN, Ortega DR, Lee TK, Vierheilig J, Daims H, Horn M, Wagner M, Jensen GJ, Kyrpides NC, Koonin EV, Woyke T. 2017. Giant viruses with an expanded complement of translation system components. Science 356:82–85.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Using insect bacteria to control devastating citrus disease
  • Microbes give meerkat gangs their signature scents
  • Bacteria use a special trick with their flagella to get unstuck (paper)
  • Fecal transplant microbes can stick around for years after treatment
  • Probiotics could help protect honeybees from pesticides

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Episode outline:

    Monday, September 11, 2017

    Hurricane Preparedness

    No episode this week. Busy preparing for the edge of Hurricane Irma. To all my listeners in a hurricane's path, stay safe!