Monday, June 27, 2016

BacterioFiles 257 - Phage Fibers Fight Phyllosphere Foes

Bacteria-killing tail fibers
Hockett et al. 2015
This episode: Bacteria have repeatedly captured and used the tails of phages to fight each other!
Download Episode (9 MB, 9.8 minutes)

Show notes:
Journal Paper:
Hockett KL, Renner T, Baltrus DA. 2015. Independent Co-Option of a Tailed Bacteriophage into a Killing Complex in Pseudomonas. mBio 6:e00452-15.

Other interesting stories:
  • Bacterial immune system can make plants resistant to viruses
  • Viruses are (usually) tiny but interesting
  • Gut microbes may have surprising effects on our behavior
  • Engineering viruses to use quantum effects for better solar cells
  • Probiotic bacteria could help with Type 2 diabetes (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, June 13, 2016

    BacterioFiles 255 - Colonizer Controls Carrier Cultivation

    Amoeba spores with bacteria inside
    DiSalvo et al. 2015
    This episode: Some bacteria seem to cause slime mold amoebas to carry around other bacteria for food!
    Download Episode (12.4 MB, 13.5 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    DiSalvo S, Haselkorn TS, Bashir U, Jimenez D, Brock DA, Queller DC, Strassmann JE. 2015. Burkholderia bacteria infectiously induce the proto-farming symbiosis of Dictyostelium amoebae and food bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci 112:E5029–E5037.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Fish oil vs. lard affect gut microbes differently
  • Engineered mix of engineered bacteria produce controlled oscillations
  • Mutation and selection makes better biomass-degrading enzymes
  • Antibodies can be produced inside bacteria (paper)
  • Fungus can be used to kill mosquitoes (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, June 6, 2016

    Monday, May 30, 2016

    BacterioFiles 253 - Probiotics Promote Protective Pathway

    This episode: In mice and fruit flies, Lactobacillus species induce gut cells to protect themselves from reactive oxygen compounds!

    Download Episode (8.2 MB, 8.9 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Jones, R. M. et al. Lactobacilli Modulate Epithelial Cytoprotection through the Nrf2 Pathway. Cell Reports 12, 1217–1225 (2015).

    Other interesting stories:
  • Gut microbes in mice help prevent development of diabetes
  • Bacteria could degrade nicotine to help people quit smoking
  • Even dead probiotic bacteria protect nematodes against pathogens (paper)
  • Discovery of TNT-degrading yeast for bioremediation
  • Engineered yeast can produce opioids

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, May 23, 2016

    BacterioFiles 252 - Small Cells Supervise Circadian Cycles

    This episode: In mice, high-fat diets affect their gut microbes, which in turn disrupts their circadian cycles and metabolic health!

    Download Episode (8.6 MB, 9.35 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item
    Journal Paper:
    Leone, V. et al. Effects of Diurnal Variation of Gut Microbes and High-Fat Feeding on Host Circadian Clock Function and Metabolism. Cell Host and Microbe 17, 681–689 (2015).

    Other related news item/paper

    Other interesting stories:
  • Fungi could help clean up lead pollution (paper)
  • Fungi growing on rocks in driest desert (paper)
  • Probiotic bacterium inhibited pathogenic bacteria in chickens (paper)
  • Bacteria survive just from very small amounts of hydrogen
  • Developing ways to monitor microbial catalysts

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, May 16, 2016