Monday, January 23, 2017

BacterioFiles 283 - Phages Furnish Photosynthetic Fortifications

This episode: Viruses infecting photosynthetic bacteria could transfer immunity to other viruses between their hosts!
Download Episode (6.8 MB, 7.4 minutes)

Show notes:
News item

Journal Paper:
Chénard C, Wirth JF, Suttle CA. 2016. Viruses Infecting a Freshwater Filamentous Cyanobacterium (Nostoc sp.) Encode a Functional CRISPR Array and a Proteobacterial DNA Polymerase B. mBio 7:e00667-16.

Other interesting stories:
  • Salt-loving bacteria could maintain concrete structures in the ocean (paper)
  • Ancient viral infection changed how mammals develop placentas and muscle
  • Bees and flowers trade microbes
  • Fungi have specific genes that help trees with drought
  • Probiotic can affect Candida yeast's virulence (paper)

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    Subscribe: iTunes, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Monday, January 16, 2017

    BacterioFiles 282 - Mycobacteria Make Mice Mellow

    Elevated plus-maze
    By Bd008 - Own work
    CC BY-SA 3.0
    This episode: Vaccinating mice with heat-killed soil bacteria reduced their stressed behavior and inflammation!
    Download Episode (9.8 MB, 10.7 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Journal Paper:
    Reber SO, Siebler PH, Donner NC, Morton JT, Smith DG, Kopelman JM, Lowe KR, Wheeler KJ, Fox JH, Hassell JE, Greenwood BN, Jansch C, Lechner A, Schmidt D, Uschold-Schmidt N, Füchsl AM, Langgartner D, Walker FR, Hale MW, Perez GL, Treuren WV, González A, Halweg-Edwards AL, Fleshner M, Raison CL, Rook GA, Peddada SD, Knight R, Lowry CA. 2016. Immunization with a heat-killed preparation of the environmental bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae promotes stress resilience in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci 113:E3130–E3139.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Art with glowing bacteria
  • Making good bacterial tumor killers (paper)
  • It's worth considering plants' microbes in addition to their genes (review)
  • Virus affects how bees are attracted to plants
  • Finding new biofuels algae in wastewater (paper)

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    Subscribe at iTunes or Google Play, support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter, or Facebook

    Monday, January 9, 2017

    BacterioFiles 281 - Prokaryote Partners Produce Plastic

    Azotobacter vinelandii
    This episode: Microbes with complementary abilities help each other grow and produce useful stuff from the air!
    Download Episode (12 MB, 13.2 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Journal Paper:
    Smith MJ, Francis MB. 2016. A designed A. vinelandii-S. elongatus coculture for chemical photoproduction from air, water, phosphate and trace metals. ACS Synth Biol 5:955–961.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Bypass surgery might fix diabetes by modifying gut community
  • Using bacteria to make wrinkly graphene with different properties
  • Figuring out what controls where microbes live in plants
  • Gut bacteria maybe related to rheumatoid arthritis
  • Gut bacteria maybe related to multiple sclerosis

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    Subscribe at iTunes or Google Play, support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter, or Facebook

    Monday, December 12, 2016

    BacterioFiles 280 - Saccharomyces Smash Small Spaces

    This episode: Microbes in tight spaces grow so much they can build up pressure and burst out!
    Download Episode (5.5 MB, 6 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Video: cells expanding walls of chamber
    Video: cells squished together
    Video: cells bursting out of chamber

    Journal Paper:
    Delarue M, Hartung J, Schreck C, Gniewek P, Hu L, Herminghaus S, Hallatschek O. 2016. Self-driven jamming in growing microbial populations. Nat Phys 12:762–766.

    Other interesting stories:

  • Fungi can infect and kill mosquito larvae
  • Buildings could enhance our encountering beneficial microbes
  • Bacteria could generate micro amounts of power
  • Microbes could help improve food supply (paper)
  • Modified E. coli can produce more useful fuels, chemicals

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    Subscribe at iTunes or Google Play, support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter, or Facebook

    Monday, December 5, 2016

    BacterioFiles 279 - Hijacker Heightened Hyphal Heterogeneity

    Spore-forming fungus
    This episode: Fungi control their cell's growth and division with a protein from a virus, unlike all other kinds of eukaryote!
    Download Episode (8.9 MB, 9.75 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Medina EM, Turner JJ, Gordân R, Skotheim JM, Buchler NE. 2016. Punctuated evolution and transitional hybrid network in an ancestral cell cycle of fungi. eLife 5:e09492.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Certain starch may help improve gut community
  • Gut bacteria could control insect pests
  • Pathogen produces anti-microbial compounds (paper)
  • Phage feeds on host bacterium's RNA
  • Studying tiny archaea from Yellowstone

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes or Google Play, support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter, or Facebook

    Monday, November 28, 2016

    BacterioFiles 278 - Fungal Family Friends and Foes

    Colletotrichum disease on bean pods
    This episode: Some fungi change from making plants sick to being helpful to plants! How do plants react to them?
    Download Episode (8.1 MB, 8.8 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Hacquard S, Kracher B, Hiruma K, Münch PC, Garrido-Oter R, Thon MR, Weimann A, Damm U, Dallery J-F, Hainaut M, Henrissat B, Lespinet O, Sacristán S, Themaat EVL van, Kemen E, McHardy AC, Schulze-Lefert P, O’Connell RJ. 2016. Survival trade-offs in plant roots during colonization by closely related beneficial and pathogenic fungi. Nat Commun 7:11362.

    Other interesting stories:
  • New E. coli can tolerate different stages of biofuel production
  • Microbes can protect each other from toxins such as antibiotics
  • Even grains can benefit from nitrogen-fixing bacteria (paper)
  • Ninja star bacterial disposable battery
  • Evolving E. coli to fix CO2 (when given very rich food source)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

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    Monday, November 21, 2016

    BacterioFiles 277 - Sailor Cells Store Selenium

    Magnetotactic bacteria with 
    magnetosome chains visible
    From: Edouard Alphandéry
    Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol.
    DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2014.00005
    This episode: Bacteria with their own magnetic compass can also clean up and recover toxic but valuable elements!
    Download Episode (6.1 MB, 6.7 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Tanaka M, Knowles W, Brown R, Hondow N, Arakaki A, Baldwin S, Staniland S, Matsunaga T. 2016. Biomagnetic Recovery and Bioaccumulation of Selenium Granules in Magnetotactic Bacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol 82:3886–3891.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Gut microbe communities are affected by genetics
  • New microbe can do interesting chemistry to make antibiotics and stuff
  • Microbes in the gut cooperate with each other (paper)
  • Cyanobacterium's eyeball ability can sense and respond to UV light
  • Fungus can remove mercury from water (paper)

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    Subscribe at iTunes or Google Play, support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter, or Facebook