Monday, July 25, 2016

BacterioFiles 260 - Endoriftia Evacuate Expired Employers

This episode: Bacteria in hydrothermal vents that feed their host tubeworms evacuate when their hosts perish!
Download Episode (9 MB, 9.8 minutes)

Show notes:
Journal Paper:
Klose J, Polz MF, Wagner M, Schimak MP, Gollner S, Bright M. 2015. Endosymbionts escape dead hydrothermal vent tubeworms to enrich the free-living population. Proc Natl Acad Sci 112:11300–11305.

Other interesting stories:
  • Making bacteria sensors from phages oriented along electric fields
  • Insecticide-producing bacteria could treat parasite infections
  • Probiotics can help by improving overall gut community (paper)
  • Plant virus could induce immune response against cancer
  • Exercise early in life could develop better microbiome

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, July 11, 2016

    BacterioFiles 259 - Fluke Froth Fosters Fester Fixing

    This episode: I converse with Dr. Michael Smout about a liver fluke parasite could help heal chronic wounds faster!
    Download Episode (13.4 MB, 14.6 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    Smout MJ, Sotillo J, Laha T, Papatpremsiri A, Rinaldi G, Pimenta RN, Chan LY, Johnson MS, Turnbull L, Whitchurch CB, Giacomin PR, Moran CS, Golledge J, Daly N, Sripa B, Mulvenna JP, Brindley PJ, Loukas A. 2015. Carcinogenic Parasite Secretes Growth Factor That Accelerates Wound Healing and Potentially Promotes Neoplasia. PLOS Pathog 11:e1005209.

    Michael Smout's research portfolio
    Winning presentation about this research on FameLab
    The Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine

    Other interesting stories:
  • Good bacteria help protect fish from pathogens (paper)
  • New microbes from glacial ice could be useful (paper)
  • Making hybrid yeast could create potentially useful strains
  • Cooperating bacteria exclude non-cooperators from their colonies
  • Engineered bacteria can have built-in kill switches to control them in environment (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, July 4, 2016

    BacterioFiles 258 - Transformed Toxin Translocates Treatments

    This episode: Bacterial toxins could be modified to deliver life-saving proteins into neurons!
    Download Episode (11.1 MB, 12.1 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Journal Paper:
    Chen C, Przedpelski A, Tepp WH, Pellett S, Johnson EA, Barbieri JT. 2015. Heat-Labile Enterotoxin IIa, a Platform To Deliver Heterologous Proteins into Neurons. mBio 6:e00734-15.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Treating infant formula with bacteriophages could prevent deadly infection
  • Fungus makes silver nanoparticles that fight other, pathogenic fungus (paper)
  • Fungal symbionts affects how plants interact with soil microbes (paper)
  • Bacteria can help control plant-damaging worms (paper)
  • Microbes help fight toxin-producing fungi on coffee (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, June 27, 2016

    BacterioFiles 257 - Phage Fibers Fight Phyllosphere Foes

    Bacteria-killing tail fibers
    Hockett et al. 2015
    This episode: Bacteria have repeatedly captured and used the tails of phages to fight each other!
    Download Episode (9 MB, 9.8 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Journal Paper:
    Hockett KL, Renner T, Baltrus DA. 2015. Independent Co-Option of a Tailed Bacteriophage into a Killing Complex in Pseudomonas. mBio 6:e00452-15.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Bacterial immune system can make plants resistant to viruses
  • Viruses are (usually) tiny but interesting
  • Gut microbes may have surprising effects on our behavior
  • Engineering viruses to use quantum effects for better solar cells
  • Probiotic bacteria could help with Type 2 diabetes (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, June 13, 2016

    BacterioFiles 255 - Colonizer Controls Carrier Cultivation

    Amoeba spores with bacteria inside
    DiSalvo et al. 2015
    This episode: Some bacteria seem to cause slime mold amoebas to carry around other bacteria for food!
    Download Episode (12.4 MB, 13.5 minutes)

    Show notes:
    News item

    Journal Paper:
    DiSalvo S, Haselkorn TS, Bashir U, Jimenez D, Brock DA, Queller DC, Strassmann JE. 2015. Burkholderia bacteria infectiously induce the proto-farming symbiosis of Dictyostelium amoebae and food bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci 112:E5029–E5037.

    Other interesting stories:
  • Fish oil vs. lard affect gut microbes differently
  • Engineered mix of engineered bacteria produce controlled oscillations
  • Mutation and selection makes better biomass-degrading enzymes
  • Antibodies can be produced inside bacteria (paper)
  • Fungus can be used to kill mosquitoes (paper)

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    Monday, June 6, 2016