Thursday, May 28, 2015

ASM2015 General Meeting Next Week

No full episode next week; BacterioFiles will be at ASM2015! But I will try to have some conference content to share nevertheless.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

BacterioFiles 214 - Cable-Chlorophyte Coop Conducts Current

Cable bacteria
Malkin and Meysman, 2015
This episode: Cable bacteria and algae set up electric grid in sediments!

Download Episode (6 MB, 6.5 minutes)

Show notes:
Journal Paper

Other interesting stories:
  • Daily rhythms are important for gut microbes and their hosts
  • Wild yeasts are very diverse in the smells they produce (paper)
  • Gut microbiome may be involved in alcoholism (paper)
  • Tiny tiny viruses can have very big effect on ocean carbon
  • Mouse lupus correlates with certain gut bacteria

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.

    Monday, April 27, 2015

    BacterioFiles 212 - Ghosts Get Good Guarding

    Left: Not a ghost
    Right: A ghost
    Hjelm et al. 2015
    This episode: Bacterial ghosts could make good vaccines for different things!

    Download Episode (9.8 MB, 10.7 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Journal Paper

    Other interesting stories:
  • What would happen if all microbes suddenly disappeared?
  • Probiotics help protect children and pregnant women from heavy metal toxicity
  • Using virus-like particles to kill harmful algae (paper)
  • Yeast make nice beer scent to attract fruit flies
  • Algae-powered electric Grand Prix cars

  • Post questions or comments here or email to Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at TwitterMicrobeWorld, or Facebook

    This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.