Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BacterioFiles Micro Edition 1 - Bacteria Boost Buzzing Babies

Trying something new: Micro Edition! One story, put out when there is an interesting new item. This episode: Bacteria protect fruit flies from parasites!

Post questions or comments here or email to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at Twitter, MicrobeWorld, or

This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Microbes Defend and Define Us

Check out this article in the New York Times about the human microbiome. It has a lot of really interesting information, some of which I'm sorry I missed including in the podcast. It's written by Carl Zimmer, science writer and host of the very good Meet the Scientist podcast, so you know it's quality material.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

BacterioFiles Episode 16

In this show, I report on four exciting stories: birthing method affecting babies' bacteria, soil microbes affecting forest ecology, endophytes producing useful compounds, and manipulating gut bacteria for health.

**Electricity-producing bacteria improved with light

Post questions or comments here or email to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at Twitter, MicrobeWorld, or

This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

BacterioFiles Episode 15

In this show, I report on three exciting stories: how viral invasions might've shaped human evolution, how bacteria are good for the immune system, and using viruses for medicine. Plus, biofuels special extravaganza!

Download Episode (10.4 MB, 11.5 minutes)

Download Sections:
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Ending Comments

Show notes:
Story 1: News item/Journal paper
Story 2: News item/Journal Paper
Story 3: News item/Journal Paper
Biofuels Special: 1 2 3 4 5

Other interesting stories:
**Underground microbiology
**Oral bacteria could protect against respiratory infections

Post questions or comments here or email to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at Twitter, MicrobeWorld, or

This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

BacterioFiles Episode 14

In this show, I report on four exciting stories: microbial electrosynthesis, desert dust that affects ocean microbes, bacteria dividing unequally, and bacteria that can make you smarter.

(Image credit: Matthias Christen)

Download Episode (13.2 MB, 14.5 minutes)

Download Sections:
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Ending Comments

Show notes:
Story 1: News item/Journal paper
Story 2: News item/Journal Paper
Story 3: News item/Journal Paper
Story 4: News article 1/News article 2

Other interesting stories:
**More about microbes and the BP oil spill

Post questions or comments here or email to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

Subscribe at iTunes, check out the show at Twitter, MicrobeWorld, or

This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.